Prepare Print Scout Deployment

You can deploy the Print Scout to print servers and/or workstations (PC and MAC) to collect comprehensive information about how print is created within your organization. Print Scouts on print servers collect information on network printers and multi-function devices, while Print Scouts deployed to workstations collect both network printing activity and any printing sent to locally attached devices.

The Print Scout collects the following types of data:

  • Information about the user from Active Directory
  • Information from the printing device via SNMP
  • Information about the print job via print stream analysis.

You can control what data is collected and who can see it. You can configure the Print Scout’s collection settings to disable the collection of certain types of data and obfuscate certain data if you need to maintain individual privacy. You can also apply role-based viewing restrictions, giving some users a limited view of the data.

Related Topics:

Print Scout Requirements

Install the Print Scout